Lines & Images From The Lighthouse

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Of Night and Times

Of Night and Times

And Orion watched in wonder
As Shelley kissed the breast.
Of city lights and moonbeams,
The crescent, furtive quest.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Bláth Beag

An Bláth Beag

There is a warmth
In the wind swept west.
 A candled corner,
Couched in the light
Of reflected braids,
Flaxen and youthful.

And joy at the solitude
Amidst the throng.
Of memories and not,
Noise and music.
The dancing brews
And waltzing meads.

And dreams.
Those daring hemlines
Of imagination.
Lifting and satin.
Life’s metaphors
Caressed in the self.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Light, solstice.
The poems of windmills turning.
Sedated sails,
Whispering through a frosted sun.

Or sunrise,
On midnight braids. Exalting,
Yawning wings.
Dancing in a dew drenched dawn.

Or music. Or rivers.
Or fields of sunflowers chorus.
Forests deep,
With pine and scented paths.

All in vain.
The hopeless yearn of parity.
Of all the stellar
There is no reflection of you.