Lines & Images From The Lighthouse

Friday, December 21, 2012



The season of day long smiles.
Vibrant vines, pouring hues.
The burgeoning fare, resplendent
With the scent of stone ground bread.

And waltzing, the wheat massed fields.
Tempo lyrical, the symmetry,
Of wind and pleasure, dancing
To the songs of returning wings.

Footsteps, light with abandon,
Fleet with bloom and sun-bright mirth.
Towns and cities, heaving and rapt.
Swelled with the throng of untutored youth.

Evenings, serene and sated evenings.
Testaments to ripened hours,
Of days immersed in confidence
That tomorrow’s verse will rhyme ecstatic.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Inhaled the conversion,
From starry night
To dreamy dawn.
The mist leaden breath,
Saturated fragrance,
Exhaled in the lulling light.

Spring, expectation.
The awakening trumpet.
A herald of life renewable.
The faint echo planted,
In furrows ploughed to ripen,
The voices of the bountiful.

And to walk, to live,
Amidst the leaf swept ways,
The higher sun,
In the heavens and the heart.
Illuminating confidence
In the pastoral season.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Philosopher

The Philosopher

He claimed wisdom
 He used words of lonesome length
 He wasn't Aristotle though
 He was a delicious eccentric
 And we loved him for that

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter's Window

Winter’s Window

Grey, grey sullen day
Fireless, dreamless, endless spray
Etched upon the lonely pane
The slanting script of scratching rain

Cold, harsh tuneless air
Leafless trees dancing bare
Set against a cheerless sky
Sunless long and lonely sigh

Hurried forms, aimless ways
Bended brows, hooded gaze
Winter’s window, hue bereft
A forgetful day, to rue........ and yet.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012



The rostrum tapped, anticipation.
An overwhelming intake of breath.
From all the repertoire composed and not.
None can do justice to thee.

Tragic the silence, mute but creative.
A journey never begun.
Of all the paths taken and not.
None will ever be with thee

Monday, December 3, 2012

Francis Ledwidge

Francis Ledwidge
To walk amidst the evening chill
Ledwidge on my mind
Writing verse between the shells
Battle lines opined

The poison haze blights the dawn
Voices trenched and cowering
Far removed from  the weaving Boyne
And youthful passions flowering

Thoughts of home and grassy lanes
Delights the pen to write
The horrors of the wailing guns
Confirms the deathly rite

Of noble youth, the richest soil
To nurture old men’s wisdom
The harvest of the slaughter fields
The Judas kiss upon them

McDonagh bled, your friend in verse
But rhymes of different hue
Cleared the fog of braided men
And made you dream anew

Until at Ypres, the ending hour
All blackbirds ceased to sing
Your name across the barren meadows
Your soul upon the wing

No summer mirth upon the plain
Nor seasoned fare to cheer
The banquet in its winter gloom
But your wine bereft of fear

The Eternal Conversation

The Eternal Conversation

I spoke to the wall, the echo retorted
In choral unison loudly
The madness of the discourse found
The audition, worn, distorted

What verse or rhyme can bring her near
When each word casts as exile
More nameless than the unseen stars
More distant than the deafened ear

The wall rejoined, grey and callous
Hardened to my plight
The Gods are want to plague the bards
With atheistic malice

There are two worlds, the stage and mind
The contributing verse
Is dead to one, obscure the other
And never the two aligned

Friday, November 30, 2012

Her Portrait

Her Portrait

Olive green, honeyed shadows
The sable contours blending
Your midnight hair, let it be.
Nature’s tones commending

Delphic glance, the power to move
The spectrum, sprite and winsome
Your dark to lights, idyllic bright
Emerging, dawn’s addendum

Poised and posed, distant deep
The linen values voicing
The vagrant brush, a whispering blush
Floating and rejoicing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Enchanting Grate

The Enchanting Grate

From the earth, to the hearth
The sculptured sod does render
A peaty scent, to present
The cold to warmth surrender

Of mind and state, to relate
The evening tales fermenting
The rage assuaged, passion gauged
Day to night consenting

The embers glow, amidst the flow
Of drifting thoughts and muses
Wrapped within its gifted hue
The dreaming mind peruses

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Hearth, Again

The Hearth, Again

A few more sods on the sleepy fire
The blue smoke mood to ponder
A glass to lip, the substitute kiss
The wine, westward, wanders

A second verse, an echo ode
The blue turf voice reciting
The embracing mist, again amiss
Voice, weeping, writing

The third I know, the echo too
A lonely flame ascending
The purple scarf, mute to grey
The scent of love amending

Quatrain full, the sonnet poised
Ending lines frustrate me
I dread awake, the dampened turf
The hearth, assorted debris

As in a bridge, new to cross
The elusive shore does find you
The madness of the portrait eye
The sadness of a drifting hue

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Marking Stone

The Marking Stone

Life reduced to a marking stone.
Name and time; granite and bronze.
The imagination of memory
Yearning to say the right thing.
But my mind is elsewhere
As will be my death.
Marked by something
That is not there.